I'm in the middle of reading Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde's latest book, How We Learn to Be Brave. A passage in the book aligns with the focus of that sign. In the book, she was talking about a โ€œculture of critiqueโ€ and shared insight provided to her and her peers during a challenging time: โ€œIt takes no energy or creativity to point out whatโ€™s wrong. For everything you criticize, challenge yourself to offer at least one suggestion or take a concrete action for making it better. The people who make a difference for good are those who work for creative solutions.โ€ย A powerful call to action!

My dad used to say, โ€œTake one step in the right direction every day and youโ€™ll eventually get where you want to go.โ€ โ˜ฎ๏ธโค๏ธ

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Hey Julie! You might be surprised to learn that your reflection and your dad's wise words of encouragement made its way back to Bishop Budde :)

I've known her son for a long time and sent your comment to him.

Thanks for being awesome!

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